Manchester... so much to answer for...
Yes, home to that band, and that band, and that band..
And also home to some important history close to One HealthTech hearts: Peterloo, birthplace of the Pankhursts, and Baby, the World’s First Programmable Computer, developed by a team from University of Manchester, that included Alan Turing. In more recent years Salford has seen a world first: real-world, real-time clinicial trials, and Manchester became the first City region to run its own devolved health and social care system.
Our region has always been a progressive place, and we hope we reflect some of that in OneHealthTech Manchester. Recent events have looked at the impact of diversity on leadership and tech in the Digital Health space. We are interested in promoting those in protected categories to highlight the challenges they face in the workplace and in their careers. We have had a particular focus on the two events we have run around female leadership in tech in the NHS, speaking at The NHS Digital Alumni Academy and Hett Show North to showcase some of these issues.
We have lots more lined up in 23/24 so watch this space………. 😊
Your Hub Co-Curators,
Charlotte, Alex and Bernie
