We know, we know! We're not amazing at recording our events. However, we are thrilled to share that our One HealthTech London event in September 2019 on becoming a CIO in the NHS has been recorded in full!
The event was chaired by Indra Joshi from the OHT Core Team and also the AI & Digital Health Lead, NHSX. Her (quite literally) cheesey ice-breaker, was followed by talks and a panel by Anna Awoliyi (CNIO), Nirali Patel (CDO, AXA PPP), Simon Eccles (Deputy CEO, NHSX) and Shera Chok (Medical Director, Tower Hamlets), plus a video message from Rachel Dunscombe (CEO NHS Digital Academy).
The event was closed by Ele Harwich, the One HealthTech London Curator.

For the full recording please check out the link here: