Curated by Nicola Fulton Deputy Head - Stakeholder Engagement, NHSX @NicolaatDH on 19th July 2021
Every week the global OHT Twitter account is curated by a wonderful member of the OHT community. They share with us how they do what they do, what they're interested in, their top tips and general learnings. We like to turn these Tweets into blogs as there is so much goodness in them!
Go on... sign up to curate our account on a Monday know you want to!
I work in the communications team at NHSX. As well as digital tech, I’ve got the bit between my teeth when it comes to patient and public participation. My other job is mum to 2 teen girls. One has significant autism, learning disabilities and epilepsy so I tweet and am involved in that quite a lot. Otherwise, I like music, art, skiing, cycling, friends, family and my lil’ kitty Juniper. (I don’t like being pinged by the Covid app 😕).
In the takeover I covered: inclusive digital transformation, the new draft data strategy for health and care, digital clinical safety, digisiting adult social care, the NHS COVID Pass and a poll on engagement methods. And my cat jumping out a second floor window…on ‘freedom day’. And me being pinged…at the end of ‘freedom day’….
Morning! Hope y’all slept in the heat? I’m Nicola Fulton & I’ve the honour & responsibility of taking over the OHT feed today . My day job is stakeholder engagement lead @NHSX. Let me know if there’re things you’d like to hear on healthtech in the #NHS
I listened to Science in the Time of Cancel Culture last night on
@BBCRadio4 (it’s what I do if I can’t ). Interesting arguments made about ethics and potential bias in machine learning and AI. Have a listen, see what you think. Analysis - Science in the Time of Cancel Culture - BBC Sounds
Some people are taking so called ‘freedom day’ too literally today…by jumping out the window and hiding in the bushes. (He’s still a kitten and he needs to stay close). How’s your Monday so far?
My first work call today is on the NHS Covid Pass for demonstrating COVID-19 status when travelling abroad & domestically at events & venues in England. We’ve updated our http://GOV.UK content about it which you can see here NHS COVID Pass - GOV.UK (
Today I’m thinking about inclusive digital transformation - ahead of a presentation to different healthcare arms length bodies tomorrow. What examples and best practice on how digital can help reduce health inequalities do you have? Here’s some of our thinking.
1: The only way the NHS and social care can meet the challenges of rising demand and costs is to use digital tech to transform itself. Digital inclusion creates an opportunity to unlock the benefits of digital trans for all users addressing long-standing issues with inequalities.
2. Our digital inclusion vision: The NHS Long Term Plan sets out a vision of a health and care service designed around the individual, enabled by technology.
2. Continued…Digital inclusion creates an opportunity to unlock the benefits of digital transformation for everyone and address long-standing health and care inequalities.
2. Continued…Digital tools should not exacerbate health and care inequalities. They should be part of a multi-channel offer, alongside non-digital channels, with appropriate support available to those who need it.
I’m in a workshop this afternoon discussing the draft data strategy for health & social care, and how we develop the right tech infrastructure. Have you seen the data strategy? What do you think about its goals and commitments? Data saves lives - NHSX
In my role as engagement lead for @NHSX I’m always thinking about how we can best engage and talk with people through different mediums and channels. There’s no one size fits all, but how do you like to find out about #HealthTech in the NHS?
Webinars all the way 28.9% Blogs are best 30.4% Forums are my fav 7.4% Socials smash it for me 33.3% 204 votes
I’ve got a couple of hours left on the OHT Twitter account. I wanted to talk about safety in digital health. It’s something the fab @KelseyFlott @NHSX
is working on. The acceleration of health tech brings an emphasis to ensuring these services are safe..Driving forward digital safety - NHSX
…but at the same time, there’s also the opportunity to harness digital tech to improve safety and pre-empt harm.
We’re developing a digital health safety strategy, and if you’d like to know more, you can read Kelsey’s blog. If you’d like to contribute, pleas get in touch with us at @NHSX
I couldn’t take over this account and not mention digitising adult social care. Did you know only 40% of care providers use a digital social care record? This means carers don’t have access to the right info about their service users when they need it.
there’ll be more - such as implementation support, skills and training, and and building up a clear evidence base for the benefits of digitising.
Are you working in digital social care? What interests you? What are the benefits, opportunities and barriers?
It’s my last OHT takeover tweet for today. Thank you so much for having me! I started ‘freedom day’ talking about tech in the NHS. I’m ending it having just been pinged by good ol’ NHS technology! Stay safe, stay well, stay cool. Goodnight!